Trawling Through The Thrift Stores with Joseph Finn

 Happy Thursday, everyone!  I hope your week is going well (myself, I finally am employed again!)  so let's dig into what I found this last week, from the sublime to the deeply silly.


Ah, Brave New World.  Still terrifying and prescient decades later even though parts of it have aged quite poorly (the supposed savages being a weird mix of Native American nations, for one).  I've read it several times but I grabbed this because it contains Huxley looking back at this from 27 years later (1958 as opposed to 1931) and feeling a great deal less optimistic (what a surprise). 


Oh hey, a Peter Weir I've never seen!  For some reason, I always forget Richard Chamberlain is Australian (sue me, I'm just young enough that The Thorn Birds is just kind of a thing I've heard about).  But from what I know about Chamberlain, this feels like the kind of thing that might be up his alley.  And I will always make time for Peter Weir, one of my favorite Australian directors for things like Picnic At Hanging Rock or The Truman Show or Master and Commanders.  A director with a great mastery of tone.


Have I watched more than maybe 2 episodes of Deadwood?  Nope!  Did I like what I saw maybe a decade ago?  Sure!  Is this even the first season or did I grab it because hey, you find an HBO box set for $5, you grab it.  (And this thing is pretty much a box; it's sturdy as hell like the HBO sets for Rome).  So sure, sometime soon I'll dip into HBOMax and go back to Deadwood and a just insanely good cast.  Seriously, look up there; that's Timothy Olyphant and Brad Dourif and Ian McShane and Robin Weigert and Powers Boothe.  And then Anna Gunn, years before she was one of the best parts of Breaking Bad!  


Back in the '90s and Aughts, Cartoon Network had a weird amount of fun airing shows that screwed around with old cartoons.  Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law was one of these, taking the eponymous superhero from a deeply stupid era of Hanna Barbera cartoons and making him in a lawyer at a law firm specializing in representing fellow HB characters.  It's deeply silly but also almost surprisingly well done, with weird things like representing Fred Flintstone in an obvious Sopranos homage.   A ton of fun and streaming on HBOMax these days, but I do like my hard copies.


And now to the deeply silly!  Jean Claude Van Damme and Michael Rooker in a movie where JVCD plays clones pursuing each other?  100% this is the kind of trash I'm here for.
