Florida, Oddly Enough

I spied this flapjack fungi on the little mound I call fungo hill. Early evening walks this time of year often include sightings of new-to-me plants. Like the thorn ringed speckled leaf vine below. At least it looks like it has a climbing habit. I have not seen it anywhere else. It would be good to know a local naturalist who could fill me in on some of these finds. I take photos and forget about them. I have had minor luck with some plant identification apps, so don't really try them anymore.

The waterfowl have been plentiful in the creek by the house. It is not unusual to see three or four varieties wading the creek in search of a meal. I'm beginning to learn some of their calls, though I don't even know what types of bird they are. This week, a walk through the wilderness loop in the preserve that surrounds part of the community revealed multiple cloven hoof tracks and areas of snouted up soil. Wild boars have been back here; interesting, because at times I've wondered what was making such a racket back there. Something was really crackling through the underbrush. Before this community was built, in the 70's and 80's, people came here to hunt them. I'd never seen such snuffled-around-in soil before. Of course I didn't have my phone, which really, I should have taken with me....so I could call for help from a perch on a low branch with Sandy cradled in my arms and barking and snarling had we run into a boar...egads. 
It was cute to behold their messes but I made sure to talk a lot, just to let them know I was there. I hear they can be mean.

It has been a restful 2 weeks off work. There have been painful family issues to sort through, but time for sitting and sleeping with feelings. I am thankful for not having to shove them away to get on with work. Way too often that is the way it is in life. Plants were bought, reminders of the determination of life. The house readied for a lovely Christmas, a reminder of the ties that bind, no matter what may come our way. An Alfred Hitchcock movie binge was had, reminders of the past, of attitudes now unbecoming of us, and the beauty and art of cinema.  I had a wonderful break and it's hard to believe that I go back to work in the morning.

Hoping the best for all of us in this new year of 2021. 
~Dorothy Dolores
