Looking at Edna Ferber in Photographs -- Garbo

I was born in the late 1950s, in a world in which a woman's face was still her fortune. Edna Ferber was born in the 1880s, so that went triple for her, I imagine. Ferber had a remarkable face, and people had strong reactions to it. She was often called "masculine" when I think others would have said "determined." She was proud of her Jewish heritage and this showed in her face. Different trends in clothing and hairstyles suited Edna at time, and not at others -- she was never meant for the short bob / cloche hat look of the 1920s. And Ferber was one of those people who gain beauty and character as she aged, like a tree given time and room in which to grow.  Here are some photos of Edna Ferber taken over the years. 

This is one of my favorites. 

Look at those eyes. 

Edna is second from right among the women in this yearbook staff photo for the Appleton, Wisconsin Clarion. 

She seems to be appraising the portrait photographer, doesn't she?

A later formal portrait, with corsage. 

She had the perfect profile for an author photo, I think. This one was just for the cover of the Saturday Review.

Ferber was a celebrity from the 1930s onward, and a little Googling with turn up many candid photos like these. 

Next week:  My mysterious attraction to sports writing

