Strike Terror into the Art - Esther
It might be a European thing but when I think of Hallowe’en, my mind doesn’t go to the bland toothlessness of pumpkins or even witches – unless they’re Tam O’Shanter’s. No, I think of forests, rituals & evenings that go dark early & suddenly. I think of wet soil recently turned over & mushrooms you shouldn’t eat. In Scotland, we always had the tradition of Guising, not Trick or Treating. It amounts to the same activity, but even the suggestion of acting as something you are not, disguising yourself - particularly in homemade masks & costumes - suggested a more sinister prospect. Today Hallowe’en is not dealt with widely in Scottish schools on religious grounds although this was not always the case. Growing up, I recall my disappointment at missing a Hallowe’en party at primary school (the only one I recall) due to illness & being brought a bag of sickly sweets from a classmate afterwards. I clearly remember the lantern’s eyes flickering in the corner of m...