Florida, Oddly Enough

My commute includes a weekday benediction from this graceful Kokopelli. The school year is wrapping up and I am thankful I will remain in a 2nd grade classroom. Reflecting on the year, I am keeping a list of things I want to do differently next year. More reflection time for my students is one of them.

 I arrived in St.Louis Friday evening. Thankful for the cool spring-like weather.

Visited The St. Louis Art Museum. The Nubia: Art of ancient Africa exhibit was beautiful; the faience work, the engraving, carving, and history, amazing.  I learned there is a color, Egyptian Blue. I’ve long loved the turquoise hippopotamuses, they have some replicas for sale in the gift shop. Alongside the hippo is a mirror. There were several intricately carved mirrors in the exhibition.  Most of the items pictured below were found in the tombs of Nubian royalty. 
Items from a Nubian queen’s funerary. The tall ‘arms’ were holders for incense. The hand shapes were so well done, the slender thumbs pointing out. Front left is a bowl made from a very large agate.

They made large pendants, for their necklaces. Some jewelry on display was truly exquisite, like this pendant which is about four inches high. Much of the items from the tombs had been plundered in previous centuries, but due to crumbling structures, there was still a lot left to discover. Archaeologists have learned much more about Nubia as a kingdom in its own right. The items are on loan from The Boston Museum of Art.

This necklace has two removable pins, so it can be easily removed. Collar necklaces, to me seem restrictive in the photographs I’ve seen, though beautiful.  I’d assumed people wore them all the time.  The gold is such a rich color and has that soft sheen of pure gold.
This amulet has a rock crystal base. It is about 3 inches tall. Mesmerizing. Many of these objects remain mysterious, their uses unknown.
A funerary bed foot carved into a goose.

A bound animal carving, an Oryx.
The fertility goddess Taweret, protector of women and children.
It’s wonderful to be in a well loved city, enjoying its charm and beauty. Wish I had time to visit more people - but this summer, I’ll be back for a longer stretch.
~Dorothy Dolores
