That time in the college town laundromat when someone was excited about the novel I was reading -- Garbo

On Wednesdays here at the group blog, we've been celebrating the work on long-time novelist, editor, and journalist Lee Lynch  and today we've got links to one of Lee's most inviting book series. Lee was an innovator before the idea of linked stories and characters continuing from one book to another took hold; she may have been doing it before Tales of the City, even. 

II'd just gotten the middle book of this trilogy, and I was so excited to read it that I'd brought it to the laundromat with me. I was turning pages and glancing up over the top of the book now and then to see if the dryer was still spinning when a woman who walked by suddenly stopped and goggled at the book cover. 

"The new one is out?!?" said she. 

"Yep," said I. "Got it yesterday."

She asked if there were more copies on the shelf at the local bookshop and I said there had been three or four. I wondered if she was just going to drop the duffle bag of dirty duds right where she was and make a dash up Kirkwood but she thanked me and took her laundry over to the nearest empty washer. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that, later, she shoved a few extra quarters into the coin slot on the dryer and went to buy her own copy of Morton River Valley.

All three books in the series are available from Bold Strokes Books (if you want a hold-in-your-hands book) and the Kindle Store. 

Dusty's Queen of Hearts Diner


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