The Helpful People

Giving thanks for the helpful people, may they increase and multiply:

the people who pick you up and hold you when you cry

the people who notice you're hungry and feed you

the people who nod and smile at you when your eyes meet

the people who are patient enough to show you how to do something until you can do it, too

the people who help you carry something heavy

the people who show through words and actions that they see you and care about you

the people who disagree with you but say so without rancor, ridicule, or disdain

the people who warn you of something they know could be harmful without nagging

the people who ask if you'd like tea or coffee when you happen to call 

the people who express so well the thoughts swirling in your own mind

the people who have the right joke or comment to break the tension

the people who know just the fun thing to do to make the moment joyful

the people who see you are trying and offer helpful suggestions without trying to take over

the people who offer assistance when you are clearly bereft or broke

the people who remember your shared past and tell the good stories from those days

the people who give second chances because they know how it is to be young and foolish, or old and foolish, or who understands you may be plainly neurotic but are worth a second chance

the people who call you on your bullshit when it is bullshit indeed

the people who lose gracefully without trying to ruin everything for the one who came out on top this time

the people who care for your children as if they were their own

the people who share their wisdom and love for humanity with words and stories that bring tears to your eyes

the people who recognize something beautiful in you, or others, that you never knew was there

the people who think of Earth as their own home and do their best to keep it clean and tidy and safe

the people who compassionately care for your aging body when the days come that it no longer functions well

the people who keep company with you when suffering comes

In your life, may you have your fair share of helpful people

~Dorothy Dolores
